So I have been mad lately. Just plain old, spitting mad. If you noticed, I took a lengthy break (45 days) some time back because I felt I had absolutely nothing worth writing. I sunk down in to a pit and quite frankly, had not much desire to come out of it. Now, here during this holiday season...."The most wonderful time of the year".....I have begun to sink again. I am not exactly sure what the trigger is, but all these happy and content people are making me angry. It's as if the world is moving on at record pace and I am sitting still with the expectation to get better and move on. Well, I don't want to move on. I want to rewind and have an official redo. The deepest part of my being wants to wish and pray hard enough, that time would reverse and rewind to August 12th, and undo the horrible events of that day that have left me confused and extremely empty today. There is a part of me that subconsciously reasons that if I protest enou...
The purpose of these writings is somewhat selfish, as they work therapy for my weary soul. Here is a place where I can refocus (purposefully) on HOPE and GOD'S TRUTH, over what I am feeling. Now, I don't believe that feelings are wrong; what I do believe is that feelings are great followers and unstable leaders. I pray that you might encounter The Savior who loves me, has protected and guided me through my valley of the shadow of death.