Until my precious husband took his last earthly breath, I did not truly understand the Scripture found in Philippians 1:21, "For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of the glory of eternity]." Now that I have felt such great loss here, my grip on this earth and this life has been loosened. My life is the Lord's and my goal is to bring as many souls to Heaven with me as I can. I am only a worker for The Kingdom. It is God who turns a heart to Himself.
My offer to you is the simple choice between eternal life in Heaven, or eternal death in Hell. There is no promise of tomorrow, or your next breath. I truly know and understand this now! Please know that my heart is one of love! I do this because I know of His Goodness! I have and continue to personally experience HIM! HE is good to me, even in my darkest hour (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 23:4).
The simple truth is that ever person ever born has sinned (Romans 3:23). The payment for any sin (large or small) is eternal death-in hell (Romans 6:23). But God in His great Mercy, Love and care for us provided a way out of that punishment. HE sent HIS One and Only Son, who was blameless, to die a sinner's death, to pay the debt that we owed (John 3:16, Romans 6:23). It was nothing we earned, or need to try to earn. It is a free gift from HIM (Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:1-10). All we must do to accept this free gift is to "ask Jesus into our heart" and "give our lives to HIM". How can one do this, you ask? Romans 10:9 tells us to openly declare that Jesus is your Lord and believe in your heart that God raises him from the dead, and you will be saved.
The call to follow Christ is abandoning our current, sinful life and repenting-turning the other way-to follow HIM. It is a free gift that is received by a decision that we make.
If you need to make this decision, do so now!
If you have already made this decision and you are not walking with The Lord daily, then I would beckon you to get to know HIM through a Bible-based church (Hebrews 10:25), reading HIS Word (Hebrews 4:12), prayer (talking to God) (Philippians 4:6) and worshipping HIM with your life (Romans 12:1)!
If you know HIM and are not spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, your time is running out and you are missing out on HIS good works placed out before you (Ephesians 2:10). Repent of your error, and share the wonderful Truth tucked inside you! Souls are at stake.
My offer to you is the simple choice between eternal life in Heaven, or eternal death in Hell. There is no promise of tomorrow, or your next breath. I truly know and understand this now! Please know that my heart is one of love! I do this because I know of His Goodness! I have and continue to personally experience HIM! HE is good to me, even in my darkest hour (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 23:4).
The simple truth is that ever person ever born has sinned (Romans 3:23). The payment for any sin (large or small) is eternal death-in hell (Romans 6:23). But God in His great Mercy, Love and care for us provided a way out of that punishment. HE sent HIS One and Only Son, who was blameless, to die a sinner's death, to pay the debt that we owed (John 3:16, Romans 6:23). It was nothing we earned, or need to try to earn. It is a free gift from HIM (Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:1-10). All we must do to accept this free gift is to "ask Jesus into our heart" and "give our lives to HIM". How can one do this, you ask? Romans 10:9 tells us to openly declare that Jesus is your Lord and believe in your heart that God raises him from the dead, and you will be saved.
The call to follow Christ is abandoning our current, sinful life and repenting-turning the other way-to follow HIM. It is a free gift that is received by a decision that we make.
If you need to make this decision, do so now!
If you have already made this decision and you are not walking with The Lord daily, then I would beckon you to get to know HIM through a Bible-based church (Hebrews 10:25), reading HIS Word (Hebrews 4:12), prayer (talking to God) (Philippians 4:6) and worshipping HIM with your life (Romans 12:1)!
If you know HIM and are not spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, your time is running out and you are missing out on HIS good works placed out before you (Ephesians 2:10). Repent of your error, and share the wonderful Truth tucked inside you! Souls are at stake.
AMEN sister!
I totally agree.❤️
I can't get the video to work and I want to share this on my FB page. Can you tell if it's me or if it's your blog?
I love you precious woman of God!