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Genuine Appreciation

I spent much of the day indoors today because of the snow. Most of my day was spent reading my latest favorite book, Let Me Be A Woman, by Elizabeth Elliot. I have had this book sitting on my shelf for years. I began reading it because I knew that Elizabeth Elliot had lost two husbands prior to her current husband. I also knew that her first husband, Jim Elliot, and her had a daughter who was only ten months old when her Daddy died. She is a widely respected Woman of God... and I was curious to find even a nugget of wisdom for what I am currently going through. I opened the book and a couple pages in, I found a receipt that I had used as a bookmark from April 2005, only two months after Conner and I had married. So much of God-keeping this book around through countless moves, for the time when I would desperately need to read it!

This book is a MUST READ for any woman prior to marriage. It is also a FANTASTIC book for married women to read because I believe that many of us get things all too wrong and wind up one day with loads of regret that WE had the power to avoid!

The paragraph I want to share from this book is one that hits close to home for me. I have endured the same experience many times since Conner's accident, and it makes me sick to my stomach....every time!! Please put yourself in my place when you contemplate this and begin to use yours words more carefully! After all, our words are supposed to build one another up-not tear down! If you are a married woman, PLEASE read carefully and fully consider what Mrs. Elliot says and I echo with weighted, heeded advice!

"How often I have sat in a roomful of people and heard a wife contradict, criticize, belittle, or sneer at her husband before the rest of the company and I have with difficulty restrained myself from leaping from my chair, going over and shaking that woman by the shoulders and saying, 'Do you realize what you've got?' She doesn't. She hasn't my perspective, of course. If only there were some way for every wife to have the experience of losing her husband for a little time-even of thinking that he's dead-in order to regain the perspective she needs for genuine appreciation."


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